Thursday, March 25, 2010

22ND May 2010 Ibadan Internet Summit — Just N3,000 Dynasty & Henry Omenogor


Testimony: I commend your training. I developed my first website a day after your training… Dr. Victor Efughi. Consultant Clinical Specialist Sonographer, Ikotun, Lagos…

From the Desk of Henry Omenogor
If you have ever wanted to know the secrets to Make Money Online legitimately, and failed or you are on the crossroad, or just want to start, then listen up as I have gone through it just like you but today, its a success story!
My story: While working with a UK Based IBM Box pushing company, I discovered the impact and future of ecommerce.
I decided to quit working to start my business. It was tough. I met the reality, my business collapsed, I sold my properties, no money for bill. I was laughed at. No one was seeing what I had as a vision. I went through the University of hard knocks. I was looking for my purpose in life and had to pay the price.. But when I look back, I thank God for making me a legitimate internet income advocate..
And considering where I am coming from, I have decided to give Ibadan people a Bonanza Training for N3,000 instead of my usual N12,600 for the training…. Just read on here to get the details… Click Here

2 Responses to “ Ibadan Internet Summit — Just N3,000”


    Precious says:
    Hello! Dear Sir Henry, please how about holding some of these seminars online i think it will also be a great way so that those who are not in that area can also be part of the event. thank you.
    Precious K.

  2. Henry Omenogor says:
    I will consider that Precious


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

To fulfill our vision, we are involved in the following activities:



  • Be your own financial advisor  
  • Why get rich? One reason: If you do not decide to become rich, the chances are you will become poor
  • If you want to remain in the middle class you may need to consider living in China or India
  • The middle class is disappearing the same way the polar ice caps are disappearing- slowly, surely and catastrophically
  • However, people in China and India's middle class often aren't living any better than many American poor people
  • The biggest risk we have now is not being prepaid for the future
  • We can study China and position ourselves to benefit from the changes
  • India is the world's largest, oldest continuous civilization
  • In the last 10,000 years India has never invaded any country
  • India is one of the few countries in the world that gained independence without violence
  • The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 6,000 years ago
  • Sanskrit is the mother of all European languages
  • India was the richest country on earth until the 17th century, when the British invaded
  • Chess was invented in India
  • India invented the number system
  • Albert Einstein said: "We owe a lot to the Indians," who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made
  • Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus originated from India
  • The value Pi was first calculated by the Mathematician Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagoren Theorem. He discovered it in the 6th century, which was long before European Mathematicians
  • India is the largest speaking English-Speaking Nation in the world
  • 38% of doctors in the U.S are of the Indian descent, 12% of scientists are as well
  • They represent the wealthiest of all ethnic groups in the U.S as well as globally
  • Mark Twain said: "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living, the world owes you nothing it was here first."
  • Everyone has money problems
  • If you want to make yourself rich, solve problems
  • Every generation will have its own unique set of financial problems
  • The baby boom generation faces a set of different financial problems

Monday, November 23, 2009


  • I’m afraid we have developed an entitlement mentality as a nation. Too many people, from the President and Senators on down, expect a pension from the government.

  • Thoughts – Actions – Results

  • The best way to solve the problem of bad financial results is change our thoughts – to start thinking like rich people rather than poor and middle class people

  • Albert Einstein defines insanity as “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

  • In this case it is my opinion that is insanity to keep sending kids to school and not teaching them about money

  • E – Employee; S-Self employed; B-Business owner; I-Investor

  • Obviously we can not help everyone, because not everyone has the talent to become rich, but we can help those who do and have the desire to be rich 

  • The entitlement mentality is a monster problem

  • Our financial problems are cause by the way we think

  • The worst thing for us, individually and as a nation, is to become passive observers- or to slowly sink into our comfort zones

  • The best way to have an edge is to live on one

  • We are not in a position- even if we are the so called super power- to rest on our laurels. That is the first indication of  impending decline

  • Intelligence is the ability to solve problems

  • Today, our world faces some serious financial problems: i.   Value of the dollar falling. ii. National debt increasing. iii. Baby boomers starting to retire. iv. Oil prices rising. v. Gap increasing between the rich and everyone else. vi. Wages decreasing. vii. Jobs being exported. viii. Social security and Medicare going bankrupt. ix. Savings being wiped out. x. lack of financial education being thought.

  • Its time to raise our financial IQ  

  • Classes or Masses

  • The April 16, 2006, Sunday edition of the New York Times ran a front page article with headline: “Revival in Japan brings widening of economic gap.”

  • Give a person a fish and you feed him for life

Thursday, November 19, 2009


1971: Our money stopped being money and became a currency when it ceased being backed up by gold. This is the year that "Saving money" became obselete and bad advice.

1973: The first oil shock was felt. It was a political problem. However, today the current oil shock is an actual supply and demand problem that will affect all of us.

1974: ERISA, Employee Retirement Income Security Act was passed. ERISA eventually led to what we know as 401(k) plans. The 401(k) plan was originally an arcane subparagraph in the U.S. tax code originally created only for high income CEOs and Executives looking for a way to shelter few more dollars. The problem is that the 401(k) is a saving plan and not a retirement plan.

1989: The Berlin wall came down and the world wide web went up

1996: The Telecom Reform Act was passed. The act allowed the world to be connected via Fiber Optic Cable, facilitating globalization.

2001: China was admitted into the world trade organization(WTO). Today, American and many western nations such as the G-8 nations have become consumers rather than producers.

2004: During the Kerry-Bush debates, there was talk about outsourcing of American jobs. There was little said about the outsourcing of American debt into the hands of foreigners and the amount of foreign capital that keeps the U.S. afloat.

In 2004, 44% of American treasury debt was owned by foreigners. The U.S. has the highest standard of living in the world.

This programme is not about changing the world is about changing you so that you do not become a victim of a changing world

It was recently annouced that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have joined forces to solve some of the world's most pressing problems.

Money cannot solve poverty.

Problems we face as a nation and as a world, such as terrorism, the national debt and healthcare.

In the 1930s, the German government had printed so much money that the money lost its value.

Hyperinflation devalues money.

History is repeating itself; only this time the problem is bigger

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


  • You can not solve money problems with money, with only financial education
  • We are losing our middle class, and a shrinking middle class is a threat to the stability of Nigeria and to the world democracy itself.
  • The shrinking middle class is a global problem, but predominantly in the richer G8 Nations(e.g. England, France, Germany, Japan etc.)
  • U.S having gone from the richest country in the world to the biggest debtor Nation in history, so quickly
  • A weak U.S economy and a weak U.S dollar(the reserve currency of the world) are not good for world stability
  • Their are three level of advice: advice for the poor; advice for the middle class and advice for the rich
  • The financial advice for the poor is that the government will take care of them.
  • The poor are counting on social security and medicare
  • The financial advice for the middle class is: get a job, workhard, live below your means, save money, invest for the long term in mutual funds and diversify
  • Most people in the middle class are passive investors, investors who work and invest not to win.
  • During the hunter gatherer age of human development, humans lived in tribes and, for the most part, all people were equal
  • In the agarian age, the modern middle class was born in American and so was democracy
  • Today in the information age, the middle class is slowly dying and so is democratic capitalism
  • Governments, even the U.S government can not protect their people as they once could simply because the problems are now global problems
  • For example, the price of oil is determined by countries outside the control of the U.S
  • Terrorism is not against Nations. Terrorism is a war against ideas
  • One of the definition of leadership is vision
  • In the world of money, there is another word often used, "Transparency". Three definitions applicable:
  1. Free from pretence or deceit
  2. Sheer enough to be seen through
  3. Readily understood